Feature toggles: just roll your own!
It’s one of those build-vs-buy discussions where the build option is genuinely better in 99.99999% of the cases.
How to take down production with a single Helm command
Incident? No, I prefer to call it a ‘premature deprecation event’.
The simplicity of the modulo operator: how I scaled an inefficient solution on a legacy system
Sometimes the best solution is the one that works well enough and can be cranked out quickly.
Life is maintenance, maintenance is life
You can’t ignore maintenance, be it in software or other aspects of life, and here’s why.
About the time I used Google Drive as a CMS for a web app
A short story about using a popular tool in ways that you might not have thought of.
Database optimization adventures on low-end hardware
Who would have thought that performing basic database optimizations could be fun?